Burned up my Voltage Regulator on my bike? - voltage regulator motor bike
I bought a new battery and installed when I snapped the lever a large cloud of smoke from the front of the bike. I contacted the battery in the same way as the old man did. The battery was at the age of just under a year. It drained my battery? This is a custom built bicycle with a motor of 113 Ultima. The bike is less than one year. Help please, thank you
Sounds reverse polarity protected the + ve regulator should your starter.your stator are. If the dial to Accell is for life (guaranteed) almost surely
They have had a bad regulator.
One possibility is that one has the case to the stator to maintain a small Allen screws, if they can be implemented to be far from the base or in the summary of your generator?
I think you connected the battery up in the wrong direction. Make sure the battery terminals is correct (ie positive and negative are the same as the original battery). Before connecting the battery, all the better pricing (stator, regulator / rectifier and battery) for the components of the short circuit.
Check the wiring of the generator / alternator. Or have a short, or the distance between the magnet and the coil close to the generator.
Check the battery for more and less in the same direction as described above. Sometimes they are shared. I hope this is not the solution to your property. It is likely that use of smoke around the circuit in the ground. I wonder how I know.
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