Small problem at Target... do I go to the service desk? What should I say? - expired diaper cream does it still work
Target coupons, sent baby all the time. I had in my pocket is always a rash cream. I went to target today and took a lot of things, including rash cream. When I pay the cashier said the coupons expire, so that it could not accept. I said ok, I do not want to rash cream below. I only buy because I had a coupon. She took the cream layer on my receipt.
I went back and grabbed my bags and rash cream was still in the bag! I feel so guilty! I must come back tomorrow and pay for, but what can I say?
Should I pay the service desk, or should I walk the streets again? I do not get the credit problems. Should not have my receipt?
I would take the cream back to reception and explained how he here. It was an honest mistake and you're a wonderful person to be honest! You will notice that the mere fact that the meeting you're back. The cashier will not be in trouble, everyone makes mistakes. A good choice, you're a good person and a very good example for your child. Good luck!
Simply go to the counter service for customers and let them know that you make an item does not get paid. You can make it into the shop or go to the search for a different cream that can be scanned. Let them know it was an honest mistake and want to pay. It's really cool of you. Most people think, and think it is a gift!
PS. You really need your support, because the subject will not be on them or paid.
I think we can do more harm than this poll, the secretary, you can burn coming. Chaulk in the hands of experience and progress. You also need to discover the cost of their mistakes? His driving, parking, etc. If you feel better to give money to charity and go on.
I like going to the service desk and put the cream and the receipt. Just explain what happened and to help with the situation.
Keep it. Go Hurray! It is expected. They are not as friendly as flies. If this is not the case, he claimed had been stolen. Whatever.
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